Drop n' Spin Dash!!! is just a "love letter" adressed to Classic Sonic, my comfort and (most) favorite fictional character. In other words: A Classic Sonic fansite.
The thing that made me love Classic Sonic is I'm ashamed to admit this but I was watching it over and over for days, it litterally changed me and had a huge impact on my life. (Thank you Classic Sonic and Sonic Mania for making me the person I am today)
I enjoy showing and talking about things I love to people and since I'm veeery open -and very annoying according to some people- about how much I love Classic Sonic, I felt like making a website centred on him. I was seeing this silly-funny project as the utmost way to show people how much I love and care about him. If words aren't enough to express these feelings then a website will be enough.
So I started building this website in January 2023. I had basic knowledge in HTML and no knowledge in CSS back then so it was hard and kinda scary to work on it--- It took me three months to finish this and I was really proud of this. Since then I've been adding stuff to the website (a bit) often: Merch I've bought, drawings, pictures, relaying official news and content about him. I also share Sonic content that isn't related to him but I rarely do this for reasons that I think are easily guessable.
I deem this website to be my "magnum opus" and despite not showing nor saying it (because I don't like being prideful), I'm very proud to have made this website. Even if I'm not part of the Sonic (Twitter) community anymore after staying in it for 4 years, I still love Classic Sonic and will never miss an opportunity to be loud and open about this.
I think if Classic Sonic would see my website, he would say "Wow!! That's the coolest fansite ever!! Whoever made this is an amazing fan!!" and this makes me very happy.