June 11th, 2024
Sonic Symphony World Tour
i went to the symphony and had a great time! But this happened two weeks ago (june 2nd) and when i think about it, A LOT happened between the date i bought my place for the symphony and the d-day!
The initial date (September 2023)
the symphony was supposed to happen on september 2023 in france. i was so happy when i heard the news, especially the location because it was kinda close from home so and bought a ticket a few days after the sales have been announced, thus meaning i had 4 months to prepare myself! This was the first time i was going to a musical event all by myself so i wanted to look cool and pretty and-- anyways my older sibling gave me this because she saw some flyers of the Symphony being distributed and she thought about me! How sweet of her! :')
one of my close friends helped me to prepare myself (because i was crying for help to him) and gave me suggestions for my outfit and my haircut. he told me to wear a sonic onesie, it was a good idea but i thought it would be embarassing... thoughts set and ideas approved, i started to prepare myself until the symphony was reported to june 2024. I was kinda disappointed sice I got my haircut done but seeing this an opportunity to do more things cheered me up. (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
Between the dates
i took the not-so-well-thought decision to re-prepare myself. i decided to wear a different outfit (a dress and a jacket), some bracelets, hairclips and most importantly: bring classic sonic stuff with me to the symphony. the convenient way to do this was by buying a large ita bag, decorating it wasn't a priority but I still did it regardless. it was an experience that costed me lots of money and some of my decorations got stolen by the delivery man but at least it was fun to decorate it and satisfying to see how it was evolving! :D
see? it looks great, right? well, it was NOT supposed to look like this.
i also made some stickers (around 45 if I remember correctly) but they have been delivered a day after the event so I couldn't gift them to people... :'( They're absurdly small and I think that's funny :') The stickers are clear so the artwork can stand out when sticked on a surface.

and i saw an advert of the symphony when i was taking the subway!! i saw it two times in that exact same spot, for some reason it got tore up the second time i saw it... i wonder who did this and why. (¬_¬)
Reported date (June 2024)
june 2nd!! the day of the symphony performance!! i stayed awake all night long to finish preparing my bag and was struggling to sleep because i was unnecessarily stressed-- (at least i managed to sleep for 6 hours so i didn't ended up tired) to put myself to sleep, i made a planning to precisely follow when waking up to have the best experience ever:
- Waking up and taking breakfast @ 2:35PM
- Preparing myself @ 3:00PM
- Do final check-outs and be ready to go @ 4:30PM
- Be outside on the way to the theater @ 5:00PM
i live at half an hour to the theater and i have plenty of time to prepare myself, nothing can go wrong!
june 2nd was a sunday and i had the awful idea of taking too long to prepare myself to be sure i was really ready and nothing was missing. public transportations (especially busses) take a lot so this put me at risk to be late and potentially miss the symphony by being refused the access to the room. Maybe it's just me but did anyone notice that time goes by tooo fast lately. that's what happened that day. The Symphony was about to start in less than an hour and i was still at home, not very ready. i missed two busses and the third one was the one i mustn't miss so i hurried myself, quickly checked if i had everything (everything was in my bad and I think that's a miracle) and i took the bus. it was a very embarassing and heavily stress-inducing trip, i was running and praying to not be late and people were looking at my bag that i was constantly trying to hide... (,,>﹏<,,)
the symphony started at 7:00pm, i arrived at the theater 9 minutes late and the symphony was about to start in a few seconds. the security people told me that recording and taking pictures was forbidden so i was surprised and disappointed because I really wanted to record stuff as a souvenir and burn the recordings in a dvd. the symphony was separated into two segments: the first one was the only the orchestra playing music and the second one was the guests stars performing with the orchestra. We were only allowed to record the second part of the symphony and it was awesome! during the middle break, i tagged someone on streetpass and even met one of my online best friend!!
both parts of the symphony were fun, it has funny moments and it was entertaining to cheer oopsy the chao during the "chao garden medley performance", cool to see people light up their phones for "reach for the stars" and it was embarassing to be the only one clapping during the classic remix of "rooftop run"... (╥﹏╥)
[some videos are supposed to be embedded here, i can't embed them with google drive because it don't allow fullscreen mode so i'm looking for another way to embed them.]
I didn't had time nor money to buy the lightstiks (or light pen (or whatever you call those things)) when I was gushing over buying them since MONTHS, things didn't go as well as I planned, I noticed the way back home I didn't even ate but at least I had a good time and even made a celebration artwork!
did i learnt something from all of this? sonic fans exists in france and sonic has the power to bring people from all around the world in a single place because to my surprise, non-frech people were also in the theater room! There was english, deutsch and greek sonic fans among french ones! ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ ) the sonic symphony world tour is something to not miss if you're a Sonic fan and have the opportunity to see it! i went alone to one of their performances but it seems cool to go in their performances with friends! (っ˘▽˘)(˘▽˘)˘▽˘ς)-->